Sunday, April 4, 2010

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Because it is one of my favourite children's books and one of the inspirations behind Amélie & Alice (of course!), here are some favourite Alice in Wonderland images & items, just because...

The original illustrations

In 1865 John Tenniel illustrated the first edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

( i love the cheshire cat! )

(... which was first a story called 'Alice's Adventures Under Ground', itself a story written down from a tale told by Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, to three young sisters, one of which was Alice Liddell, while on a boat trip on the river Thames.)

I like Alice in Wonderland for a thousand different reasons ;), and I also like that Charles Dodgson, or his pseudonym Lewis Carroll, was also a mathematician (which I love, as I was a student of mathematics) and a photographer!

(Lewis Carrol was a mathematician at Christ Church, Oxford,
and Alice was one of three daughters of the Dean at Christ Church.)

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was published on July 4, 1865, exactly three years after Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and Reverend Robinson Duckworth rowed in a boat up the River Thames with three little girls:

Lorina Charlotte Liddell (aged 13) (Primus in the opening verse)
Alice Pleasance Liddell (aged 10) (Seconda in the opening verse)
Edith Mary Liddell (aged 8)

...whereupon the beginning of Alice In Wonderland was told that "summer afternoon when the sun was so burning that we had landed in the meadows down the river, deserting the boat to take refuge in the only bit of shade to be found, which was under a new-made hayrick" ~ Alice.

.. which is also now part 'Hogwarts'!

But anyway, back to the book...

Tenniel's colour illustrations

In 1907 the English copyright to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland expired, and new editions from other publishers were printed. These illustrations are now also in the public domain,
my favourites from 1907 are Rackham, and Attwell :)

Illustrations by Mabel Lucie Attwell, 1907

Arthur Rackham's illustrations, 1907,
are just divine

And countless Alice inspired art!

Annie Leibovitz's Alice photoshoot, with model Natalia Vodianova, for Vogue magazine, 2003.

Annie's interpretation of Alice Liddell and Lewis Carroll...

Alice Liddell and Lewis Carroll

The three Liddell sisters

Alice in costume as a beggar girl

Alice inspired flickr art...

recruiting a new alice

Recruiting A New Alice, originally uploaded by tartx.

the so very wonderful sadie and boopsy.daisy!!

alice and the white rabbit

Alice & White Rabbit, originally uploaded by Rebecca Lader.

etcetera, etcetera !


San said...

wow! Really love this Bonita! awesome work collecting all this pictures! great choices!! <3

Monica said...

The four coloured pictures you have credited to Tenniel (where Alice is wearing a blue(ish) dress) AREN'T by Tenneil - they are by Diz Wallis and styles after Harry Theaker's 1911 colourisations.

The picture where she is wearing the yellow dress IS by Tenniel

Monica said...

Typos - 'Tenniel' not 'Tenneil' and 'styled' not 'styles'


Monica said...

That is to say, they were drawn by Tenniel, but they were coloured by Wallis

(Have I overexplained this enough yet? *embarrassed*)


Amélie and Alice said...

Monica, thank you very much! (very belated) I appreciate the information. Thanks for letting me know