Tuesday, May 18, 2010

café break ~ Paris photographer style :D

Ah, I really feel like a café break right now.
Like so...

Robert Doisneau, 1966

Robert Doisneau, Francine Doisneau in a café at Ave. Jean Jaurès, Paris, 1971

Edouard Boubat, Saint-Germain-de-Pres, 1953

Сharles Harbutt, restaurant Rougeot, vers 1970

Henri Cartier-Bresson, Paris, 1969


Willy Ronis, Café de France

Brassäi, Sartre au café de Flore, 1945

Andre Kertesz, Cafe, 1927

Monday, May 17, 2010

Gaga magazine and assorted miscellaneous news

Gaga magazine is a Polish childrens and parents magazine that we first became aware of via our wonderful artistic friends Kasia and Agata. It was a fun to have a photo featured in the latest issue of this magazine.

Yay! Enjoying reading gaga magazine

Amelie taking a break from a tea party to enjoy
reading the exciting mail we received that day! Our copy of gaga magazine :D

Also, a quick mention of two baby photos of mine in a recent baby knits mosaic at Maglia libera tutti, as it was cute cute and makes me baby nostalgic: (top left and middle image in the bottom row, the 'famous' rosebud baby hats in pink and white... )

and darling sweet knitted baby boots in the same blog post.

... as seen here

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Maja & Ju ju, "books and play"

I love the whimsical, creative, and wonderfully childlike style of MAJA and JU JU, two books about kids and imaginative, creative things to make and wear, and from the simplest household material and treasures on hand or found.

It reminds me so much of the fun and play my children and I love to experience and create as well, and something of which we need to do more of lately. :)

The miniature children in the Ju Ju photos are so sweet :)

And this fabulous kid-imaginative room reminds me of the fabric strip baby amusement tactile hanging ornaments we used to make and hang too.
This room also looks a little 'Where the wild things are' to me. :)


Little forest fairytale II


These are mostly candid photos
which I adore,
imperfections and all
maybe even more

A stick and a leaf.
What more do you need?

hide and seek

I love these little nature walks in 'the forest', by the park.
Here is another little forest fairytale, at half this age again, eighteen months, which feels like both yesterday and a world away from today.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Nouvelle Vague Bike

Nouvelle Vague Bike, originally uploaded by Federico Erra.

I also very much love this image, which has also been in JPG magazine, and even more so this month while we have been biking everywhere lately.
Federico Erra is an amazing photographer!



ursulasbirdie, originally uploaded by danske.

eatyouricecream, originally uploaded by danske.

likewise, danske is a huge flickr inspiration!
i am in love with these polaroids